Play on your strengths and put out your most open and honest self for the world to see. Daily Horoscopes for Today Select your Horoscope from the list of zodiac signs below. These repeated lessons could have been about how you are within relationships or with yourself, or both. You have learnt something about your personality and even your traits perhaps, Pisces. If something feels too good to be true, dig deeper for more info.

If something smells fishy, sniff your way to the core of it all. Trust your intuition no matter what you see, Aquarius. Now, the only thing we must keep in mind is that while we are busy creating magic and welcoming blessings from the Universe, we must try and be as ethical about it as possible. You are the mage and the timing is perfect to cast your spell and make things work. Both health and wealth will also be in good condition.
So work your breath a little and focus on the forgetting bit too? There is magic conspiring, Sag. Resolve every professional challenge to ensure career growth. Having said that, while you may be good at forgiving, you have been blessed with the memory of an elephant that remembers the minutest details in the most vivid manner. Reach out to loved ones, sign up for that workshop or go help a friend refurbish something. It’s likely a social day for you, Taurus – virtually or in real life.