For more information on how to protect yourself from these and other scams, click here or call the consumer protection hotline at 80. Those who receive such sales pitches should conduct their own research on solar panel systems and report suspected scams to the AG’s Office’s consumer protection division. Aggressive salespeople lead customers to believe that the solar panel systems will eliminate their electric bill and attempt to lock buyers into financing terms that will last longer than the expected life of the system. These companies claim to have established a partnership with your electric provider. The AG’s Office is also aware of scams involving solar panel installation companies going door-to-door seeking to sell solar power systems. Confirm with your utility company that this is an authorized visit to your home. The AG’s Office says that legitimate companies do not operate in this way and to avoid paying cash to anyone on the spot who claims to be from your utility company. Scammers may also claim the COVID-19 crisis has affected their company along with their customers and they cannot currently process check or card payments.
If you do not wish to submit a phone number, write '00. File Anonymously: If you would like to remain anonymous, simply write 'anonymous' in the required fields. To report a scam you have seen, use the form below. He says the company has given him authorization to speak out, because it wants to warn other businesses. However, these are not the only scams that have come to the attention of law enforcement. If you are the victim of a scam and need help, please use the consumer complaint form. Stuart Busse is the lawyer for Spence Equipment Rentals. Wait a few minutes for the results and you should see the owner’s name and social media profiles. criminal groups continue duping individuals through rental scams (which yield lucrative revenue) and fraudulent romance (which yields new money mules, in. If you have questions about the status of your utility bill payments, call the company directly at the phone number printed on your bill. Enter any email address and click SEARCH NOW. The Scams, Schemes & Swindles page serves as a central location for scam information with links to fraud and scam webpages of other State of Tennessee. Douglas County DA denounces Lawrence police social media useĪs always, when folks you do not know call you and ask for money, payment, or personal information, your best solution is to hang up.